Convenience scripts (wrappers)
SAS scripts are usually self-contained, dealing with their input/output files as mentioned in the sas files itself. So, it is often easier to just run the file using sas binary. The wrapper - rsas
does just that. It comes with sensible defaults, and still allowing the user to override with specific needs.
thami@console1:[~] > rsas
rsas - Command to submit a sas file as batch job to run on GHPC
Usage: rsas [-w hh:mm:ss ] [-q Q] [-c C] [-m M] [-l L] FILENAME
hh:mm:ss : specify the wallclock time allowed for the job.
(optional) default = 12:00:00
Q : specify the batch queue to be used.
(optional) default = ghpc
Options: ghpc or zen4 or nav or nav_zen4
NAV users are expected to use nav or nav_zen4 queue.
QGG users can submit jobs to: ghpc and zen4
C : specify number of CPU cores to reserve.
(optional) default = 2
Options: Min = 1, Max = depends on queue
Refer limits at
M : specify maximum amount of memory in MiB to reserve.
(optional) default = 5120 MiB(5 GiB)
Options: Min = 512 MiB, Max = depends on CPU
Refer limits at
L : specify label or jobname for this job.
(optional) default = name of file
FILENAME : Name of the sas program to be executed.
FILENAME must end with .sas as file extension
must be in current directory
Typical execution would look like..
navthami@console1:[~] > rsas -q nav
Generated command based on your options:
sbatch -t 12:00:00 -p nav -n 2 --mem=5120 -J --wrap="sas"
Submitted batch job 570645
Job submitted successfully. Check its status using myst command.
rdmu5 is a wrapper script that makes it easier to submit DMU5 jobs in GHPC. The usage help of the wrapper is self-explanatory about the purpose of the script.
thami@console1:[~/dmut1] > rdmu5
rdmu5 - Command to submit a DMU batch job to run on GHPC
Usage: rdmu5 [-w hh:mm:ss ] [-q Q] [-c C] [-m M] [-r R] JOBNAME
hh:mm:ss : specify the wallclock time allowed for the job.
(optional) default = 12:00:00
Q : specify the batch queue to be used.
(optional) default = ghpc
Options: ghpc or zen4 or nav or nav_zen4
NAV users are expected to use nav or nav_zen4 queue.
QGG users can submit jobs to: ghpc and zen4
C : specify number of CPU cores to reserve.
(optional) default = 1
Options: Min = 1, Max = depends on queue
Refer limits at
M : specify maximum amount of memory in MiB to reserve.
(optional) default = 5120 MiB(5 GiB)
Options: Min = 512 MiB, Max = depends on CPU
Refer limits at
R : specify the release of DMU version 6 to use for this job.
(optional) default = latest production version of DMU.
Options: ?????????????????????????
JOBNAME : DMU driver file name.
"JOBNAME.DIR" must be in current directory.
rdmu4 is a wrapper script that makes it easier to submit DMU4 jobs in GHPC. The usage help of the wrapper is self-explanatory about the purpose of the script.
thami@console1:[~/dmut1] > rdmu4
rdmu4 - Command to submit a DMU batch job to run on GHPC
Usage: rdmu4 [-w hh:mm:ss ] [-q Q] [-c C] [-m M] [-r R] JOBNAME
hh:mm:ss : specify the wallclock time allowed for the job.
(optional) default = 12:00:00
Q : specify the batch queue to be used.
(optional) default = ghpc
Options: ghpc or zen4 or nav or nav_zen4
NAV users are expected to use nav or nav_zen4 queue.
QGG users can submit jobs to: ghpc and zen4
C : specify number of CPU cores to reserve.
(optional) default = 1
Options: Min = 1, Max = depends on queue
Refer limits at
M : specify maximum amount of memory in MiB to reserve.
(optional) default = 5120 MiB(5 GiB)
Options: Min = 512 MiB, Max = depends on CPU
Refer limits at
R : specify the release of DMU version 6 to use for this job.
(optional) default = latest production version of DMU.
Options: ?????????????????????????
JOBNAME : DMU driver file name.
"JOBNAME.DIR" must be in current directory.
rdmuai is a wrapper script that makes it easier to submit dmuai jobs in GHPC. The usage help of the wrapper is self-explanatory about the purpose of the script.
thami@console1:[~/dmut1] > rdmuai
rdmuai - Command to submit a DMU batch job to run on GHPC
Usage: rdmuai [-w hh:mm:ss ] [-q Q] [-c C] [-m M] [-r R] JOBNAME
hh:mm:ss : specify the wallclock time allowed for the job.
(optional) default = 12:00:00
Q : specify the batch queue to be used.
(optional) default = ghpc
Options: ghpc or zen4 or nav or nav_zen4
NAV users are expected to use nav or nav_zen4 queue.
QGG users can submit jobs to: ghpc and zen4
C : specify number of CPU cores to reserve.
(optional) default = 1
Options: Min = 1, Max = depends on queue
Refer limits at
M : specify maximum amount of memory in MiB to reserve.
(optional) default = 5120 MiB(5 GiB)
Options: Min = 512 MiB, Max = depends on CPU
Refer limits at
R : specify the release of DMU version 6 to use for this job.
(optional) default = latest production version of DMU.
Options: ?????????????????????????
JOBNAME : DMU driver file name.
"JOBNAME.DIR" must be in current directory.