Running a single command in cluster
At times, you just want to run a command in the cluster, and you do not want to build a whole jobscript just for that. There's still a way. Slurm provides an option such that it can automatically build the wrapper script for your command itself based on options you supply to sbatch.
For example:
asampath@console1:[~] > sbatch -p nav -n 4 --wrap="sas"
Submitted batch job 453
Where, the command - sas
is executed as a batch job on a compute node using the "nav" queue with a reservation of 4 cpus.
If you do not specify the requests for resources, the defaults will apply.
default queue = ghpc
default number of cpus = 2
default amount of memory = 20 GiB
default stdout and stderr file = slurm-jobid.out in the directory where you run the command from.
default jobname = wrap
or you can specify all of the options yourself as in the example:
asampath@console1:[~] > sbatch -p nav -n 4 -J SAS_test --mem=1024 -o sas_test.out -e sas_test.err --wrap="sas"
Submitted batch job 455