Creating an account

    The primary way of interacting with the GHPC cluster is via SSH. You'd need an unified account setup in the cluster by your sysadmin which you can use for anything GHPC. If you're a new member of QGG or one of our research partners, get started by following the steps below.

Windows icon If you're a Windows user: There are two methods

Method 1: Putty-Based Setup (Traditional Procedure)

Step 1: Download Putty and Puttygen

Puttygen icon Download Puttygen :

Putty icon Download Putty :

Step 2: Generate SSH keys

SSH generate
Double click puttygen.exe and click "Generate" button.

Keep moving the mouse to generate some randomness.

Step 3: Enter passphrase

SSH pubkey save
Enter passphrase (any word or sentence of your choice). Repeat the same in "Confirm Passphrase field".

Hit the "Save Public Key" button.

Step 4: Save public key

SSH pubkey save
In the save as window, Save the file as ”” in your Desktop.

Step 5: Save Private key

SSH private key save
In the same window, hit the "Save Private key" button.
SSH private key save
In the next window, save the file as "id_rsa" in your Desktop.

Step 6: Email your PUBLIC KEY to your sysadmin

Understand how SSH works

Alert: Your private key - id_rsa.ppk is your password. Never share your private key with anybody, including your sysadmin.
Alert: Do NOT keep your private key in network shared locations like Dropbox or network drives.
Note: Your Public key is by definition _public_. Share this file by email to your sysadmin so that he/she can create your account.

Now, send an email to with your "" file as attachment.

If you included your private key by mistake, I will not create an account; you will need to redo the whole thing; and a lovely dove dies somewhere in the world. So, dont do it.

Step 7: Wait until your sysadmin responds to your email with the necessary account information.


Method 2: Using Windows Terminal (for Windows 11 and later)

Step 1: Open Windows Terminal

Open the Windows search bar, type Terminal.

SSH generate

And click to open it.

SSH generate

Step 2: Generate an SSH Key

In the Terminal window, type the following command then enter to generate an SSH key:

 ssh-keygen -t rsa

When prompted, provide a passphrase and press Enter (any word or sentence of your choice)

SSH generate

Step 3: Complete the Process

You will be asked to confirm your passphrase by entering it again

After confirmation, your SSH keys will be created successfully.

SSH generate

Step 4: Verify Your Public Key

Type the command to open it.

cat .ssh/
SSH generate

Copy the contents of the public key and send them to your administrator via email -

Linux icon / Apple icon If you're a Mac or GNULinux user:

Open Terminal

type the command,

au720585@Thami-MacBook-Pro:test$ ls .ssh/

If you get a result like :


Then the key already exists. Ignore the rest of this step and send an email to with your "" file as attachment.

Instead, if you get a result like :

ls: .ssh/ No such file or directory

Then a new key needs to be generated. Follow the steps below. Remember to enter a passphrase (it can be a word or a sentence). This makes sure that if somebody gets hold of your private key, they still can spoof you because they wont know your passphrase.

au720585@Thami-MacBook-Pro:test$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/thami/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Your identification has been saved in /Users/thami/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/thami/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:4NJtlKI3aFsrWNr7+s5pd3ImALw0QWejhkjkljlijoxsPs thami@Thami-MacBook-Pro.local
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
|         .. +++.o|
|          .=.oooo|
|        ..o.Bo.o.|
|       o o== B+. |
|      . S. +=.=o |
|          . .*..o|
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|              =o*|
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After generating the key, print out the key, copy the key contents and send it to your admin by email -

au720585@Thami-MacBook-Pro:~ Thami$ cat .ssh/
ssh-rsa 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 Thami_local@d54264

After you have sent the email. Please wait for further instructions from your admin. You cannot connect to the cluster until your admin adds your key to the cluster.
